We had a request (we’re looking at you, Chuck) for more Fifty Shades for our Thurs/Fri posts. Well, we’re sort of doing that. Bared to You is the other Fifty Shades of Grey, and boy we could not be more excited to find all the comparisons between the two books.
He was beautiful and brilliant, jagged and white-hot. I was drawn to him as I’d never been to anything or anyone in my life. I craved his touch like a drug, even knowing it would weaken me. I was flawed and damaged, and he opened those cracks in me so easily…
Gideon knew. He had demons of his own. And we would become the mirrors that reflected each other’s most private wounds… and desires.
The bonds of his love transformed me, even as I prayed that the torment of our pasts didn’t tear us apart…

And, I shit you not, there’s a fucking trailer for this book.
Ariel Says:
I personally am interested to find out if the writing in this is better or worse than Fifty Shades and also to find every single commonality between the texts! Damn it, you guys, I’m an English major!
Also, “he opened those cracks in me so easily,” well that’s just a book that’s begging to be torn apart! While being bad! And having a good time! And his name is Gideon for Christ’s sake!
And the trailer speaks for itself.

Matthew says:
After Fifty Shades of Grey came out last year ago, it inspired a wave of imitators, which is something I know about because apparently I’m a goddamn Fifty Shades expert or something. One of the big ones, it would seem, is Sylvia Day’s Bared To You, or at least we’re pretty sure it is because it was in our fucking college bookstore.
We haven’t really done any research into what it’s like, so for all we know, this could actually be a fantastic and well-written novel. Except the Wikipedia article has a whole section titled “Similarities to Fifty Shades of Grey“, so we’re pretty sure that’s not gonna happen. And as much as we hate Fifty Shades and can’t wait to be done with it forever, we also simply cannot resist checking out the Fifty Shades knockoffs. Will it be better? Will it be worse? What would either of those even look like?
God, I hope there’s no tampon scene.
Oh man, this could be good (aka really bad). Then I go read the synopsis on Amazon…. It sounds almost identical to Fifty Shades except in this one apparently the girl is a rape survivor and the kinky sex helps her get past it? Ummmm, this could be offensive in all kinds of strange ways…
Also, the title is terrible.
Yeah, I saw that after we bought the book. I can assure you’re we’ll be handling that very carefully.
Can not WAIT to start ripping this book apart. The ladies at work love this series (there are two out now apparently, and the big deal this week was that three was supposed to come out in Dec and now won’t.) I actually have read other books by her that were good for what they were (soft porn) but I can’t stand this series because I hated 50 so bad. fun fun!!!
I’m actually really worried these books are going to be really good and we’re going to look like huge assholes. You know, more so than we usually do.
Looking forward to it! You guys do a great job here!
Wait, I was replying to your first comment. You guys are not huge assholes. And I put the chances of this being good at about 0.00001%.
Yeah. This book. It will be bad. REALLY bad. I wouldn’t worry about it.
And no, I haven’t read it. But I don’t think I’ve ever been more sure of anything in my entire life.
Bow chick-a BOW WOW!!!!
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I finished this series recently and was wondering if anyone else felt frustrated and wanted to tear their hair out due to Eva, Gideon and the lack of plot. Then I found this blog *cries of joy*