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The Lazy Reader’s Guide: Feb 1 – Feb 5, 2016

I spent a lot of time on Amazon looking through DS games – because I still don’t have a 3DS – the other day, and now when I visit BBGT’s homepage I keep getting ads for those games. It’s working on me. I can slowly feel myself becoming more and more prone to just adding a few of these games to my cart. For now I’m distracting myself with this week’s recap of our beloved books!

Left Behind

I feel like I could essentially just copy/paste Matt’s summary from last week, and no one would be the wiser. Things progressed in the plot a little as Rayford’s daughter Chloe shows up, and Buck has to fake his death.

House of Night

Zoey and Aphrodite confirm that Aphrodite wrote the poem from her vision in Zoey’s grandmother’s handwriting. They contact Grandma, and shit starts to get real. Grandma explains what the poem means/what the new plot of the book is.

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