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Beautiful Sacrifice Chapter 19: Falyn and Taylor Reunite


For some reason every time I sit down to write about a chapter of Beautiful Sacrifice, it takes me a good three minutes to remember Falyn’s name. Anyway Falyn–look at me remembering her name–lands in St. Thomas to see…flips frantically through pages Taylor for Trabby’s renewal ceremony.

Taylor himself isn’t there to pick Falyn up, but he’s hired a car to get her.

Shock quickly evolved into suspicion. Taylor was either trying very hard to get me back— or for some reason, he was in full groveling mode.

Ah right. I forgot Taylor slept with someone while he was visiting Thomas in Beautiful Redemption. We’re 77% of the way through the book, so I guess this will be what the last 23% of the book is about. Yay?

They arrive at a fancy hotel where Taylor’s waiting.

Before I could take another step, he looked up, and a dozen emotions scrolled across his face.

I didn’t realise Taylor’s face was programmed so efficiently.

Falyn’s suspicions that something is amiss intensify at Taylor lays the love on thick. They head to their fancy room together, and Taylor again tells Falyn he’s even more in love with her. He apologises for thinking mean things about her while they were apart.

I wondered what his crew and even his brother must think about me. I could only imagine what he’d said out of frustration.

“I didn’t dump you. We took a break, so you could think about something important.”

Taylor has a record scratch moment where he realises that he’s living out Friend’s most infamous “we were on a break” storyline. Good thing Matt and I can just keep reusing the same gif!

“I wasn’t clear. Either way, it wasn’t fair. It was stupid and cruel, and… I’m sorry.”

He shook his head. “You don’t apologize. You definitely shouldn’t apologize for this.”

The lesson here is that people need to just say, “Let’s take a couple days to think things over,” and never ever use the word break again.

They both agree they love one another and want to be together. Falyn has a few very emotionally-aware things to say, and Taylor just tries to move on as quickly as possible. I’m sure the truth will come to light, it’s just a matter of how and when. I bet one of his idiot brothers will say something.

Taylor leaves to get ready with the bros, and Falyn is left on her own. What follows is a scene I actually found quite touching. She still feels like something is off between them and blames herself. She cries for everything that’s happened to her, and I think we can all relate to those cries where you’re thinking about all the things at once, so well done McGuire. This was a good scene.

Falyn heads to the gazebo where Trabby will be getting remarried and sits down next to Jim (Papa Maddox himself), and I think we meet the protagonist of the next book? There’s one final Maddox bro who needs to find love, right?

“Hi! I’m here!” a woman said, stumbling past Jim and me before falling into the chair next to me. “Whew!” she said, brushing her long dark curls behind her bare shoulders. She was wearing a white tank top with a long floral skirt. Her big ice-blue eyes overshadowed the intermittent batting of her lashes. She looked like a supermodel, but she moved like an overgrown teenager.

“Yes, you are,” Jim said, chuckling. “Rough morning, Ellie?”

“Always. I’ve been in Shep’s room, taking pictures. Hi,” she said, one hand letting go of her very expensive camera long enough to greet me. “I’m Ellison, Tyler’s friend. Date. Whatever.”

Sure, hi! You seem interchangeable enough to be our next hero.

She reached her arm behind me and squeezed, touching her cheek to mine. “It’s so nice to meet the other half of Tyler’s other half.”

Okay, maybe she’s just overly familiar with everyone.

Yeesh! She sounds weird.

The next Ghost of Beautiful Girlfriend’s Past arrives, and it’s Cami of Beautiful Oblivion fame. Why can’t I ever remember Falyn’s name, but I can remember all of these book titles?

Ellison held up Camille’s left hand. “They just got engaged! Can you freaking imagine?”

“I don’t… know what you mean,” I said.

Jim laughed. “She means, the thought of marrying a Maddox boy scares her. And she should be worried. She’s going to give in sooner or later.”

Oh god…and we’re going to have to read about thirty chapters of that, aren’t we?

The next girlfriend, Liis (Beautiful Redemption! BAM!) arrives. It’s awkward because Liis has to sit next to Cami, and remember, Cami dated Thomas before Trenton! And Liis is with Thomas now! WILL THE MADNESS NEVER END?

The groomsmen were in order by age from youngest to oldest. “Is that Shepley? The best man?” I asked Jim.

Jim nodded, scanning all the boys like a proud father. I could see they were a close family, and I wondered how anyone managed to keep any secrets.

Idk. Try reading Beautiful Redemption, and get back to me. It involves a lot of confusing tricks of narration, as far as I can tell. Also, this line is super ominous, and I think it’s gonna be a bro who blabs that Taylor slept with someone else.

Taylor looked incredible in his tux, but I felt weird thinking that because he looked exactly like Tyler, whose sort-of girlfriend was sitting two seats away from me.

…Huh? She feels weird that she’s attracted to her boyfriend because he looks like his twin, and his twin’s not-girlfriend is nearby? Damn that’s wild.

Taylor winked at me, and we all chuckled when the other brothers did the same at nearly the same time to their love interests.

This line was highlighted 133 times according to my Kindle. I want to meet every single one one of these people and ask, “WHY?” Why would you want to highlight this moment of all the Maddox bros winking at once. WHY?

Somehow Falyn weirdly makes Trabby’s day all about herself.

They had a long future ahead of them, a future that included children and grandchildren. As far as I knew, Taylor was the only brother standing who was guaranteed not to have that same chance.

I don’t mean to be rude, but shut the fuck up already Falyn. Firstly, you have no idea what their future holds. Maybe Abby doesn’t want children! Maybe she can’t have them! Secondly, Taylor has thought about this. Stop beating yourself up about this. You…you have other options? I get where she was coming from about feeling guilty about adopting since she put a child up for adoption in the past, but I think that’s something she can reframe and get past with Taylor by her side.


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