Beautiful Oblivion Bingo!

While talking about returning to the world of Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster in the series’ first spin-off, Beautiful Oblivion, Ariel and I joked that it would be like reading the same book for a third time. And then we wondered how much it would be the same book. So we made you this. You’re welcome.

beautiful bingo

Ariel and I brainstormed all these spaces over Skype and laughed, but that sort of horrified laughter knowing that we’re probably going to get quite a few bingos over the course of the book. So play along with us! Maybe you’ll get bingo multiple times over the course of the book! Maybe you’ll get bingo in one chapter alone. [Ariel says: At the end of each post, I’d love to know how many spots you think applied to each chapter even if you didn’t get bingo. Also bonus points if you go back to the first two posts and play.] Keep this with you as you read the book with us, and post in the comments how you’re playing, and if you get bingo. Enjoy!

And if you want to make your own bingo boards, share them here! Somehow. Upload them somewhere and post a link in your comment? I don’t know internet.



  1. aynjele Reply

    Reblogged this on aynjele and commented:
    I confess…I have never read the books mentioned on the ‘Beautiful Oblivion’ blog, but the bingo card looks like a great free write game. I imagine a group of writing buddies gathered. The bingo balls turn and tumble. One is picked and called out before everyone is told, ‘Alright, you have ten minutes to write.’

  2. Pingback: Introducing Plot!Child: Beautiful Oblivion Chapter 3 - Bad Books, Good Times

  3. Pingback: TJ Comes Back For Two Minutes, Trenton Already Declares His Intentions To Make Cami Love Him: Beautiful Oblivion Chapter 4 - Bad Books, Good Times

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