A Court of Wings and Ruin Chapter 27: Everyone Fights

Keir doesn’t want to help Rhys and co fight their war. It’s kind of hard not to agree with him on this one when Rhys has a whole separate city for the good folk to live and forces everyone else to live in the shadows. I think we’re just meant to believe everyone that lives down there are evil, but it kind of seems like a vicious cycle/self-fulfilling prophecy to me.

Also, that mirror Feyre needs to get in order to get the Bone Carver on their side is up for grabs. It just turns you insane when you look into it. So Keir is like, “If you look into it, it’s yours.”

Oh yeah, and Eris (Lucien’s brother) showed up as an ally, and Rhys kept it a secret from them this whole time. Mor is furious because he was her ex-fiance who left her for dead after she slept with Cassian so she wouldn’t have to marry him.

This recap was so hard to write, I hate everything.

A Court of Wings and Ruin Chapters 27:

I didn’t doubt Keir’s claim about the mirror— and risking gazing into it … None of us could afford it. To be broken. Driven mad. None of us— not right now. Perhaps the Bone Carver had known that. Had sent me on a fool’s errand to amuse himself.

I love how Feyre says it like it’s a timing issue. Oh, man, if only it was like next week then I could totally see myself going mad. Can we put a pin in this for now?

They all winnow back to the good Night Court, and Mor is furious with Rhys for what happened with Eris.

Cassian was sizing them up, frozen halfway across the room. And I assumed Rhys was telling him mind to mind, assumed he was telling Amren and perhaps even Lucien and Nesta, from their surprised blinks.

Can we just skip 90% of the conversations by having Rhys download data directly into everyone’s brains?

The group splits. Team Rhys-is-Right and Team Eris-Should-Be-Dead, but Mor explains she’s more scared of losing their city to Keir. I guess she’s scared of them moving in and starting their own red light district or something. I hardly think that suddenly they’ll just be able to start torturing people and doing whatever they please in this city.

“I took precautions,” Rhys said— an edge to his voice I had not heard in some time. “Many of them. Starting with meeting with the governors of the Palaces and getting them to agree never to serve, shelter, or entertain Keir or anyone from the Court of Nightmares.”

Um…am I crazy or does Rhys solution sound like “separate but equal” laws. I don’t understand what this is going to accomplish. If anything, it seems like it would further antagonise and divide everyone.

“They have been sending out the word to every business owner in the city,” Rhys went on, “every restaurant and shop and venue. So Keir and his ilk may come here … But they will not find it a welcoming place. Or one where they can even procure lodgings.”

Seriously, this should have been Matthew’s chapter. He would have had a field day with this.

Rhys insists that they’ll set limitations on how often “they” the riff raff will be allowed to come to their precious city. I anticipate some really awkward evil!Night Court family holidays. “But I booked this Faebnb! VIA TELEPATHY AND FAE TEXT MESSAGES! What do you mean we can’t stay here?”

Mor asks Rhys how he would feel if he was forced to work with Amarantha.

“If Amarantha offered us a slim shot at survival,” Rhys said, his gaze unflinching, “then I would not give a shit that she made me fuck her for all those years.”

Cassian flinched. The entire room flinched.

Mor doesn’t believe Rhys, but he insists that if she showed up right now with a chance for them all to survive, he’d take it. I actually do believe him, but I’m tired of his strategy of constantly keeping secrets from everyone because he knows better and is always right.

Amren actually calls Rhys out on this, and he apologises. Feyre also steps up to give a speech about how they all need to stick together.

Cassian starts asking Feyre about the mirror–in front of everyone–and then when Amren is like, “Do you mean the Ouroboros? Wtf do you want to do with that?” Feyre freaks out that she’s heard. Like, okay, you were all just talking about having less secrets and also YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT THIS IN FRONT OF HER FACE?

To his credit, Rhys is like, “WE’RE ALL BEING HONEST NOW! Bone Carver wants it!”

Anyway, here’s what happens next:

Amren: I can’t tell you becuz the ground is listening and might figure out my secrets.

Feyre: But remember, I have 400000 powers, so I can make a shield so the ground can’t hear u.

Amren: Oh ok. So I hid in another body to escape the prison and made myself ur level of immortal even though I used to be SUPER EXTRA immortal. I didn’t have the same kind of feelings as you before.

I don’t understand how she gave up her other self and bound herself to this body. Where did this body come from? I’m confused because Amren says they’d need to turn the Bone Carver Fae in order to free him, but does that mean he would have to go into someone else’s body?

Rhys asks Amren what would happen if she was unbound from the body. I have no idea how she instantly knows the answer to this:

“I would not remember you. I would not care for any of you. I would either smite you or abandon you. What I feel now … it would be foreign to me— it would hold no sway. Everything I am, this body … it would cease to be.”

Sounds great. Get away from these people, Amren.

“What were you,” Nesta breathed, coming around Cassian to stand at his side.

Amren toyed with one of her black pearl earrings. “A messenger— and soldier-assassin. For a wrathful god who ruled a young world.”

I don’t know what that means, but I guess it’s supposed to sound cool.

Elain shows up and has no clue what’s going on, so Feyre offers her…hot milk. Delicious. Elain declines this generous offer of hot milk and starts saying how she can hear someone crying even though every thinks she’s dead, and then she goes back upstairs. I bet the whole plot hinges on this somehow, so I’m including it in this recap.

“I saw young hands wither with age. I saw a box of black stone. I saw a feather of fire land on snow and melt it.”

I don’t know what any of this means, but I wonder if Lucien’s former lover is still alive.

“It was angry,” Elain said quietly. “It was so, so angry that something was taken. So it took something from them as punishment.”

Wait. No. Okay, so I have no idea what’s going on. But Azriel seems like he might because he looks very thoughtful and then just winnows away without an explanation.

Feyre goes to talk to Nesta about what she and Amren got up to in the Bad!Night Court, and it sounds like a whole lot of nothing useful. Then they talk about how they’re worried about Elain. Nesta storms off, and Lucien takes her place to talk to Feyre. He convinces Feyre to have a healer come see Elain. I’m shocked no one has suggested this before?

This never ending chapter continues with Feyre crying in bed and Rhys comforting her. It’s sad. He admits he would kill Amarantha if she showed up, and he feels horrible about what happened with Mor.

“Would you risk looking into it— the Ouroboros?” I asked.

“Not yet,” was all Rhys said, holding me tighter. “Not yet.”




  1. Andreas Reply

    So Amren is some kind of extradimensional warrior angel cosplaying as fae through which she learned about the power of friendship and twu wuv, did I get that right? Well, if we haven’t found our deus ex machina which resolves the plot as soon as Maas runs out of pages, I don’t know what else she might be.

  2. CJ Reply

    It’s kind of late but…

    ” I think we’re just meant to believe everyone that lives down there are evil, but it kind of seems like a vicious cycle/self-fulfilling prophecy to me.”

    Exactly! But none of the characters seem to remember that Mor was, like, a part of the court of nightmares. What if she wasn’t cousins with Rhys and didn’t have that connection to Velaris? The book tells us she’s a good character but was born in a bad place, but if she never escaped to Velaris? If she ended up suffering for being trapped there and turned evil? Isn’t there a probability that someone else isn’t evil… Oh but I guess everyone there is evil and Mor is apparently the only exception.

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