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Robothruple: The KFC Dating Sim Episode 8

Previously, Colonel Sanders said one nice thing to Aeshleigh, so SEXYCALPIZZAKIT has decided he must no longer be interested and must use a mysterious book of dark, forbidden magicks to erase their memory.

This week, SEXYCALPIZZAKIT doesn’t do any of that.

As always, you can get the inside scoop by subscribing to our Patreon to join our Discord server! Or if you’d like, you could make a one-time donation on Ko-Fi to support BBGT vis a vis fueling us with coffee:

Acknowledging causes that could use donations at this time, we’d also like to highlight the Black Trans Travel Fund, a mutual-aid project developed to help Black transgender women access safer travel options out of direct response to violence against Black transgender women across the country. We’d also like to put GLITS Inc on your radar, which is raising money to create a permanent place to house and support Black trans people in New York City, all of whom were recently released from Rikers amidst the COVID pandemic. And a reminder that BBGT will be donating all profits from our own merch sales for the Month of June to a Black Lives Matter chapter.

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